How to Make Your Day Work for You

What if I told you there’s a secret to making your day longer?

YO! Listen up my solo hustlers,

Picture this: you're juggling, but not balls – flaming chainsaws. Oh, and you're on a unicycle, on a tightrope, above sharks! Welcome to being your own boss. You do everything in your business, from big boss decisions to cleaning up. It's super cool but also super easy to get super tired.

The Big Rule: Make a Plan or Wear Yourself Out

Not having a plan for your day can make you run out of energy really fast. You've got to organize your day like it's the most important job – because it is!

Check Out Your Day Like a Detective

First, let's see what your day looks like:

  1. Write Down Everything for a Week: Write down everything you do, from waking up to going to sleep. Yes, everything!

  2. Sort Your Activities: Put what you do into groups like Work (you can even write down different work tasks), Fun, Family Time, etc.

  3. Find the Time Eaters: See what's taking up a lot of your time but not helping you much. Be honest; if you're watching videos online a lot, write it down.

  4. When Are You Full of Energy?: Write down when you feel super energized and when you're just wanting to nap.

How to Make Your Day Work for You

Now that you know what's happening in your day, let's organize it:

  1. Do Tough Stuff When You're Full of Energy: If you're all zippy in the morning, do the hard tasks then, not the easy stuff.

  2. Learning to Say No: It's okay to say no to things that don't help your goals. Saying yes to everything can mean you're not really helping your business.

  3. Make Things Easier for Yourself: Use tools that can do tasks for you (like sending emails on their own) and ask for help when you need it. It's okay; you don't have to do everything manually.

  4. Work Time vs. Fun Time: Decide when you're working and when you're not. It helps your brain relax and makes sure you have time for family and friends too.

  5. Don't Forget to Chill: Make sure you have time to play, exercise, or just relax. A happy boss is a good boss.

With these steps, your day can go from all over the place to just right, giving you more energy and time to enjoy what you've worked for.

So, are you ready to be the boss of your day? Remember, it's not about working every second. It's about having a good balance so you can keep loving what you do without getting too tired.

As always, keep riding Solo🤙